Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dlib 18.11 released

The new version of dlib is out. This release contains mostly minor bug fixes and usability improvements, with the notable exception of new routines for extracting local-binary-pattern features from images and improved tools for learning distance metrics. See the release notes for further information.

I also recently found out about two particularly interesting projects that use dlib.  The first is menpo, a Python library focused on computer vision which is being developed by a team at Imperial College London.  If you are interested in a Python library that pulls together a bunch of computer vision tools then definitely check it out.  The other interesting project is Ceemple, which is basically an interactive language shell for C++.  They have integrated a bunch of libraries like dlib and OpenCV into it with the general goal of making C++ development feel more rapid and interactive.  So think of something like MATLAB or IPython, but for C++.

1 comment :

  1. Is it possible to use and to training with different landmark numbers? Both detect 68 landmarks in a frontal face by default. I would like to detect 39 landmarks only (I can train all right using the train_shape_predictor_ex however face_landmark_detection_ex outputs the attached message:

    exception thrown!

    Error detected at line 25.
    Error detected in file /Users/Vareto/Documents/Dlib/dlib/../dlib/image_processing/render_face_detections.h.
    Error detected in function std::vector dlib::render_face_detections(const std::vector &, const dlib::rgb_pixel).

    Failing expression was dets[i].num_parts() == 68.
    std::vector render_face_detections()
    Invalid inputs were given to this function.
    dets[0].num_parts(): 39
